Macho 1
Staffordshire bull terrier
Macho 1
Staffordshire bull terrier
Sexo Macho
Nascimento: 03/08/2022
Cor Branco com Blue
Seth Staffbull Agape
Giannini Staffs Thor Von Yatzil
Black Country Staffbull Luna at Agape
Blazen Staff's Yatzil at Gianninistaffs
Gretta Gianninistaffs
The Crew Ninja at Alma stone
Boo in Lokan Terriers
Black Country Staffbull D. Cloe At Agape
Black Country Staffbull Cadu
Black Country Staffbull Barbie
Benyumea Ravens Tiger
Black Country Staffbull Aria
Tarrant the Crew SBT Alma Stone
Pridesbt Snow Ball